My Grandmother's Fresh Peach Cobbler Recipe - (2024)


Community Pick

Submitted by The Giggle Box

"My grandmother used this recipe every summer when the peaches were ripe. She got the recipe from her church cookbook. You can use any almost any kind of fruit in the cobbler, it will still be good."


My Grandmother's Fresh Peach Cobbler Recipe - (2) My Grandmother's Fresh Peach Cobbler Recipe - (3)

photo by Swirling F. My Grandmother's Fresh Peach Cobbler Recipe - (4)

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My Grandmother's Fresh Peach Cobbler Recipe - (11) My Grandmother's Fresh Peach Cobbler Recipe - (12)

Ready In:





  • 14 cup melted butter
  • 1 cup flour
  • 34 cup sugar
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 34 cup milk
  • 5 -6 peaches, sliced
  • 34 cup sugar



  • Preheat oven to 350°.
  • Pour melted butter into an 8x8 pan.
  • Whisk together the flour, 3/4 cup of sugar, baking powder and milk.
  • Pour over melted butter.
  • Cover with peach slices.
  • Cover with 3/4 cup sugar (I know this will seem like a lot, but use it all.).
  • Bake until batter rises to top and forms a nice brown crust, about 20 - 30 minutes.

Questions & Replies

My Grandmother's Fresh Peach Cobbler Recipe - (13)

  1. I have fresh peaches. Should I peel them first or leave the skin on?

    Jacqueline B.



  1. Holy sugar Batman! This was very sweet. If I made this again, I would cut the sugar in half. I used home-canned peaches in the cobbler, and it took me double the time to bake it. I think it would have been great if it weren't so sweet. We may or may not try this again. Thanks Giggle Box!

    Pale Rose

  2. I should have realized from reading the recipe, but this turned out more like peach cake instead of peach cobbler. Also, it would be helpful if people who change up a recipe don't rate it 5 stars because those of us looking for a good recipe get mislead. Frustrating to pull up a recipe rated so highly and then later read the comments where nearly no one made it as written.

    Cindy Gatewood

  3. Way too much sugar and I had to double the cooking time. It seems to me there is something wrong with the recipe.

    Kelly v.

  4. Used canned peaches with half syrup and used half the sugar. Added 25-45 minutes (turned oven off at 25 min left then left in for about 20 more min) turned out just fine.

    • My Grandmother's Fresh Peach Cobbler Recipe - (19)

    Chelsy L.

  5. Not sure what I did wrong (if anything), but my cobbler ended up runny and way too gooey. Followed the recipe exactly as written and I baked it for 40 minutes. The top did brown, but the middle and center of this dessert was a runny mess. Maybe the peaches were too ripe and released too much juice? I cut the sugar in half and despite that it was sweet enough. Not sure I would make it again.

    Maria R.

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  1. I noticed after a half hour in the oven at 350° that the inside was still runny. I then decided to turn the oven up t 400° and baked for an additional 20 minutes. it solidified, and did NOT burn. I also used brown sugar instead of granulated sugar. This gave the top and sides of the cobbler a caramelized effect that turned out super yummy! I recommend if you don't want a gooey mess, to try the oven temp that I used.

    Gabrielle M.

  2. I used brown sugar...I put butter and sprinkled 1/4 of a cup brown sugar in a cast iron skillet. Another 1/2 cup of brown sugar ( no regular sugar was harmed in this recipe) into the cobbler mix and instead of milk (believe it or not, you can bake with it) I used 3/4 cup of French vanilla coffee creamer. I cooked on 350 for about 45 mins. Excellent peach cobbler!! Will defiantly do this one again...


  3. This recipe will be one to keep for the books!! Since its peach mania at the local market and grocers... this is the recipe I used step by step yet added my own ideas. I altered it by using a 9"x13" baking dish and instead of butter I used margarine. After slicing the peaches and put into separate bowl, I added 3 Tbsp of lemon juice, 1/8 of ginger, 1/8 of allspice, 1/8 of cinnamon and thoroughly mixed well. When wisking all dry ingredients together, I used brown sugar rather than white and also added in a 1/2 cup of large oats. Then added between 1 -1 1/2 cups of milk (not too dry or wet). For the sixth step, I again used brown sugar and only drizzled over top. Bake for 40 to 50 minutes. If anyone decides to bake this, let me know what you think :*

    Jessica L.

  4. I added 1/2 tsp vanilla and a pinch of salt to the batter. Also topped it with a tablespoon of cinnamon sugar rather than the 3/4 cup of sugar. Lastly used 1 lb of frozen peaches, which I thawed before adding to the cobbler. SO DELICIOUS!!


  5. Added one teaspoon of cinnamon to the sugar used for the topping.


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The Giggle Box

United States

  • 32 Recipes
  • 7 Tweaks

When I was 10 I discovered the joy of cooking on the back of a Nestle Toll house Chocolate Chip bag. It was the first recipe I ever made. I had a blast and it was a lot of fun to cook something that everyone loved. To this day, baking is one of my favorite things to do, and it shows! (that explains the lack of a picture, hehe)On the non-cooking front, I lead a fairly normal life. For the past four and half years I have been able to stay home with my DD and be a full time mom (is there any other kind?). In college I had a wonderful professor, Dr. Mark Woodhouse (his books are fascinating BTW) and I began my study of the paranormal, conspiracy theory, and metaphysics. I can honestly say it changed my life. I earned my degree in Philosophy with a minor in Religion and English. For those of you who are interested in Astrology, I am a Pisces Dragon. A great book (did I mention that I like to read a lot?) is The New Astrology by Suzanne White. She actually sums up my life very well when she says: "Pisceans born in Dragon years will be touchy and argumentative until they finally stop trying to prove themselves. Then they will become effecient in a chosen profession, stay in a pleasant rut, and cruise around all day dreaming about what to make for dinner."

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My Grandmother's Fresh Peach Cobbler Recipe  - (2024)


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Author: Jonah Leffler

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Rating: 4.4 / 5 (45 voted)

Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

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Name: Jonah Leffler

Birthday: 1997-10-27

Address: 8987 Kieth Ports, Luettgenland, CT 54657-9808

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Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.